Built to enhance the Google Workspace for Education experience
Flag and block concerning content
This student wellness option uses advanced machine learning technology to analyze learners’ digital content in real time in their school-issued accounts. It flags concerning content and blocks what is harmful.
Respond to early warning signs
Children and teens are overwhelmingly struggling with mental health. With the student wellness option, a team of experts reviews the flagged content 24/7 and alerts you to concerning content or activity.
Place trust in reliable and accurate alerts
This student wellness option provides reliable and accurate alerts to your school or district team so staff can intervene quickly.
Prioritize actions by urgency
This student wellness option uses machine learning and human review to classify incidents so your team has the clarity to respond appropriately. Categories include questionable content which does not pose an immediate threat as well as time-sensitive situations.
Get notified by phone immediately in severe crisis situations
In safety and mental health crises, a student wellness expert will notify designated district or school team members by phone, even after school hours.
A better way to manage the digital classroom
We’re ready to show you how Hāpara delivers:
Focused and safe learning
Quick implementation and easy management
Professional learning and training to fit your needs
Access to a world-class support team