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Candid discussion about the 2020-2021 school year

Watch this thought leadership series with school and district leaders around issues that educational leaders everywhere are currently confronted with.
Candid discussions about the 2020-21 school year
Authentic Writing and Literacy Webinar

Student voices: It’s time to listen

The best way to gauge student needs is first to listen. Join us for a student panel discussion where a diverse group of young people from across the United States, Canada and New Zealand will come together to discuss their biggest educational challenges, propose solutions and share what they think school should look like in the future. Giving these students a platform to speak about what is most important to them in terms of receiving an equitable education is the first step in effecting change in classrooms everywhere.

Explore SEL strategies that will help you create a more positive and equitable school and district culture.

School Leader one page guide
Free e-book on digital citizenship
Learn what to focus on when building a culture of digital citizenship, including conversation starters for learners and educators!

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