Culture, class, and race: A conversation with authors Brenda and Franklin CampbellJones

View this special webinar, "Culture, class and race" with Brenda and Franklin CampbellJones, as they discuss how to talk about these topics in a school setting.
Culture, class, and race: A conversation with authors Brenda and Franklin CampbellJones
Authentic Writing and Literacy Webinar

A conversation with authors Brenda and Franklin CampbellJones about how to use constructive conversation to unite and energize your school.

How to have conversations about race: (6:30)

Brenda and Franklin acknowledge that talking about race is designed to make you feel scared of saying the wrong thing which in return will halt the conversations altogether. Franklin goes on to explain that feeling that way is natural because it’s inherited. To overcome this fear, Franklin advises listeners to open themselves up to having these conversations and explains that the more you do, the more the fear will simply diminish on its own.

Expanding your relationships: (9:00)

Brenda explains that creating different relationships is one of the best ways to start these tough conversations. Getting people out of their comfort zones is important. She goes on to say that it is usually up to administrators to make sure this happens as teachers tend to congregate with others in their department because that is who they know and are comfortable with.

Be responsible for educating yourself about race: (28:22)

Brenda explains that it is not the responsibility for people of color to educate you on their history. It is up to those inquiring to educate themselves and be open to learning as much as they can. Brenda encourages them to claim their ignorance about certain topics and go in with an open mind.

Check out Brenda and Franklin’s book:

Culture, Class, and Race: Constructive Conversations That Unite and Energize Your School and Community


Brenda CampbellJones (Ph.D, CEO of CampbellJones & Associates). She provides professional development and technical assistance to school districts throughout the United States. Dr. CampbellJones is co-author of the best selling book, “The Cultural Proficiency Journey: Moving Beyond Ethical Barriers Toward Profound School Change.” She has served as principal of an award winning middle school, teacher, state and national staff development facilitator. 

Twitter handle- @BrendaCampbellJ

Franklin CampbellJones (Ed.D., Vice President of CampbellJones & Associates). He is co-author of “The Culturally Proficient School: An Implementation Guide for School Leaders” and “The Cultural Proficiency Journey: Moving Beyond Ethical Barriers Toward Profound School Change.” Franklin has served as teacher, administrator and college professor. 

Twitter- @FCampbelljon

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