EduProtocols to improve student learning outcomes and engagement

Join Rich Dixon and Jon Corippo, author of the EduProtocols Field Guide for a discussion on how to develop meaningful, relevant instruction and break free from textbooks and worksheets.
Exploring the integration of SEL and the Hāpara Instructional Suite

Join Rich Dixon and Jon Corippo, author of the EduProtocols Field Guide for a discussion on how to develop meaningful, relevant instruction, increase student engagement and break free from textbooks and worksheets.

Jon Corippo, Author of the EduProtocols Field Guide
Rich Dixon, Senior Director of Learning Innovation at Hāpara

How teachers get stuck in a routine and what they can do to break out:

Jon Corippo discusses his experience as a student and later as a returning teacher, getting stuck in a rut of the same interactions and methods with learners. (7:30) If the only tool you have is worksheets and essays, then everything becomes a worksheet and an essay. Through the EduProtocols process, teachers can liberate themselves from that mentality.

At their simplest, EduProtocols are like Venn diagrams:

They are frameworks that you can continuously use with any age and subject. This idea is the synthesis of the EduProtocols. (9:30) Corippo explains that the protocols can be used over and over again to incorporate a variety of different activities and increase engagement. (10:34) He dives into a day in the life of an educator using EduProtocols, focusing on a protocol called “thin slides,” and incorporating it into the classroom. Thin slides are essentially a KWL activity, but students are allowed to use the internet. This activity helps learners engage with the material, while encouraging communication, collaboration and creativity. Corippo includes other EduProtocols to use with learners and their results.

How might EduProtocols increase student learning outcomes?

(15:50) Corippo explains the dramatic growth he’s seen using these tools with learners and provides examples with different grades. He believes that if kids are sincerely trying, every day, they have to grow. Along with this idea, he explains that immediate feedback is required to encourage growth. Corippo believes that immediate feedback is missing from schools.

How to use EduProtocols to increase peer to peer feedback?

Rich Dixon also believes that feedback is crucial to student success, not just from teachers but also from peers. (20:43) Corippo describes different in-class activities such as “cyber sandwich” to get students engaged and talking to each other. This protocol partners students to work on a project together and results in the pairs reading for knowledge, note taking, summarizing, comparing notes, discussing what happened and synthesizing learning, all while working together.

Additional resources mentioned and webinar slides:

Bios and social media:

  • Jon Corippo, Author of the EduProtocols Field Guide (LinkedIn, Twitter)
  • Rich Dixon, Senior Director of Learning Innovation at Hāpara (LinkedIn, Twitter)

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