Mastering Google instructional skills to transform learning in your school district

digital citizenship

Interested in opening up insightful conversations around digital citizenship with fellow educators and learners? Start with Hāpara Card Talks!

We’re ready to show you how Hāpara Card Talks can help educators freely discuss digital citizenship with each other and their learners.

Use these card decks to start a thought-provoking discussion about our relationship to technology and how it is connected to our identities inside and outside the classroom. 

To use the conversation deck, just shuffle the cards and draw one at a time for a fun and meaningful conversation starter about education, technology, social media or digital citizenship!

Card Talks for educators

Talk with other teachers about their experiences using technology in the classroom, school policies, learner interactions, digital equity and so much more!

Card Talks for learners

Create a dialogue about digital citizenship with your students and get a perspective on their experiences online.

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