Alberta’s K-12 Workspace Collection
Created by school districts Buffalo Trail Public Schools, Horizon School Division, and Ottawa Catholic School Board educators and shared globally, this Workspace collection covers a complete year of student learning expectations according to the Alberta Program of Studies. Note: Content will continue to be added to this page.Kindergarten
Students discuss characters, title, authors, illustrators, story events and more! The learning activities in this Workspace can be used with any story you choose!
Grade 1
The four seasons
Students explore seasons, weather change and how it affects their own lives. Introduce ideas around cycles and interactions between different parts of the environment.
Grade 2
Investigating the physical geography of an Inuit, Acadian and Prairie community
Learners focus on the physical geography of an Inuit, Acadian and Prairie community. Learners get to examine three mystery suitcases and investigate the contents to decide where the luggage is from, and why the contents are unique to the communities they come from.
Grade 3
Research project: Animal research and who would win
In this cross-curricular Workspace, students conduct research on various animals and present their findings to the class. Learners choose an animal to research while learning how to conduct and present research.
Grade 4
Waste and our world
Students learn about waste produced through natural processes and human technology. They will learn about environmental and human waste, and how that is recycled or other methods of disposal.
Grade 5
Life learning choices
Students have the opportunity to use resources effectively to manage and explore life roles, career opportunities and challenges. They will have a chance to reflect on making choices, who they are and how they fit into the world and how they manage time.
Grade 6
Sky science: The sky is falling
Students observe and study movement in the sky and differentiate and identify between planets, suns and stars. They will compare their size with some parts of space, and discuss what life in space would be like.
Grade 8
Short stories and writing conventions
Students read short stories, answer questions based on what they have read and dive into sentence structure and elements of grammar.
Grade 9
Electrical principles and technology
Students learn about electrical principles such as current, voltage and resistance. They will be challenged to build electrical circuits and troubleshoot problems. Students will also build an understanding of how to both measure and calculate current, voltage and resistance in simple circuits.
Grade 10
Shakespearean play unit – Romeo and Juliet
Learners can prepare to read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet by writing a journal response to a major theme. Then they read/watch the play and test their understanding with act by act quizzes. Learners complete the experience with an analysis of a clip from a film version of the play.
Grade 11
Pursuing national interests through conflict / ultranationalism issue #2
Using current and past events, students use this Workspace to explore the extent to which nations will pursue national interest and the dynamics between nationalism and ultranationalism.
Grade 12
From school to work
Learners read and respond to a variety of articles. In this literature focused unit students explore a variety of video clips, short stories, poems, essays and quotations.
My classroom: Classroom interactions lesson 4
Students learn the names and roles of people in a school and become familiar with the question Qui est-ce? and answer structure using C’est.
Je me présente
Students learn more about their classmates and create an oral presentation to present themselves to the class in the target language.
View the Alberta Program of Studies K-12 Workspaces for Google
Created by educators and engineers guided by Alberta school divisions. Used by over 20 school jurisdictions in Alberta and 4,850 school divisions worldwide.
New Alberta K-3 curriculum
Alberta Education is refocusing knowledge and learning skills in the elementary curriculum for fall 2022. Some of the new outcomes will move some ideas up or down grade levels. Working with Alberta educators, Hāpara has created a listing of Workspaces that contain content for the new learning outcomes.
Grade 1
Addition and subtraction
Learners use addition and subtraction to solve word problems, understand and apply properties of addition and subtraction and determine the unknown number in an equation.
Grade 2
Reading comprehension
Learners engage in leveled texts and work through extension activities to work on reading strategies and writing.