How to have a successful tech implementation and rollout

Join Hāpara’s Robert Bailey as he talks with Kim Knigge, Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Erin Benaitis, Instructional Technology Coach from Joliet School District 86. Discussing basic principles of rolling out and implementing new technology, Kim and Erin will share their straightforward experience on introducing Hāpara in their own district.
How to have a successful tech implementation and rollout
How to have a successful tech implementation and rollout

Robert Bailey talks with Kim Knigge, Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Erin Benaitis, Instructional Technology Coach from Joliet School District 86 about their roll out and implementation process for new technology in their school district. Kim and Erin share their straightforward experience on introducing Hāpara in their district.

Kim Knigge, Coordinator of Instructional Technology from Joliet School District 86
Erin Benaitis, Instructional Technology Coach from Joliet School District 86

Hosted by:
Robert Bailey, VP Sales at Hāpara
Beth Still, Engagement Manager at Hāpara

Why the implementation process was a success: Hāpara’s Engagement Manager, Beth Still, discusses why the rollout and implementation process of Hāpara at Joliet School District 86 was so successful (3:14). She explains all the correct ways the tech team went about introducing Hāpara as a new tool for teachers. One of the main points Beth brings up is during their training webinar, which is typically used to go over Hāpara’s on-boarding resources, the tech team at Joliet 86 instead used the time to ask Beth questions because they had already gone over the resources on their own time.

How Joliet’s tech team prepared for implementation: Kim and Erin discuss their district’s process and how they prepared ahead of time to implement Hāpara (5:00). Kim goes on to explain that her district was already using a tech tool in the classroom so teachers were familiar with using digital instruction tools. She explains that they decided to introduce Hāpara mid-year so they sent over resources to teachers over the winter break for them to review before returning for the second half of the school year. Their main priority was to focus on Highlights.

What the rollout process looked like: Kim describes how each tech coach in their district oversees five buildings each (8:56). She explains how she first decided to communicate with the principals of each building about Hāpara and then from there each tech coach scheduled a time for that building to have training. Erin also explains that as a tech coach, she implemented all of the resources that Hāpara shared with the tech team, into her training with the teachers.

Getting started with Hāpara Highlights

Click on the chapters card on the video to jump to the segment you want to see!

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 3:15 – Why the rollout was successful
  • 4:50 – Preparing ahead of time
  • 8:56 – What rollout planning looks like
  • 9:43 – Implementing resources
  • 11:40 – Highlights and student data privacy
  • 17:12 – What they would have done differently
  • 21:30 – Running PD sessions
  • 32:51 – Using Highlights for teaching, not punishing
  • 33:56 – Allow students to learn from their mistakes

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