Punctuated Feedback to Maximize Student Feedback

Providing effective student feedback during the learning process increases student success. Watch the webinar.
Punctuated feedback to maximize student feedback
Digital Learning Environments for All Learners Webinar

Hosted By: Shaelynn Farnsworth, Education consultant and high school teacher

Providing effective student feedback during the learning process increases student success but is variable in nature. Maximizing the impact on student achievement involves understanding the key components, developing a culture of feedback, and addressing inhibiting factors that may occur. Deep dive into the research by John Hattie to develop a culture of feedback, key components of effective feedback, and learn popular ways in which technology can support the belief that all students can improve.

Shaelynn Farnsworth is a leader in the convergence between literacy and technology. As a high school teacher, she redefined her English classroom as not only a place to learn about literature but also explore how technology is shaping the future of communications. She continues this exploration as a consultant focusing on technology, literacy, differentiation, and systemic change. Shaelynn is a staff developer, literacy coach, and supports districts in the implementation of initiatives. She is a MIEExpert, Google Certified Innovator, Apple Teacher, and has training in Project-Based Learning from the Buck Institute, Visible Learning with Hattie, Instructional Coaching, and K-12 Literacy Best Practices. Shaelynn shares her musings at shaelynnfarnsworth.com

Twitter: @shfarnsworth

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