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What does it mean to prepare students to be successful?

Modern learning prepares students for the realities of the modern world by matching school learning with the realities of the modern workplace and life.
What does it mean to prepare students to be successful?
Using High Yield Strategies with Student Portfolios Webinar

Hosted By: Ben Grey, Assistant Superintendent for Innovative Learning and Communication from Illinois

The world is not only changing; it has changed. Never before have we experienced the speed and volume of advancement as we have over the past two decades. Regardless of our personal preference and comfort, rapid change will remain an integral part of life for the foreseeable future. This is the reality our students will face when they complete their formal education, and this is what prompts us to embrace modern learning.

Modern Learning seeks to prepare students for the realities of the modern world by matching the learning that takes place in schools with the realities of the modern workplace and life, in order to most effectively prepare students for success.

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