The Evolution of Monitoring E-Book

As more and more schools make the transition to digital learning, it can be easy to get caught up in the promises of exciting new tools when results are difficult to measure. Once you invest in a new technology, you need to figure out how it will live up to its promises for your learners. So how do you measure the impact of new technology on learning?
Evolution of Monitoring e-book
Using technology for deep learning

Where do you fall in the evolution of monitoring?

As educators open the web to learners, there is an increased responsibility to ensure student safety. The challenge is – is this accomplished by locking down access and policing learner browsing, or through supervised self-monitoring and a gradual release of responsibility?

  • Locked-down learning
  • Hand-held learning
  • Structured learning
  • Semi-independent learning
  • Independent learning

Hapara enables educators to assist their learners on a progressive evolution toward autonomy and learner agency.

Sign up today and we’ll send you our free Evolution of Monitoring ebook in which educators from around the globe reflect on their triumphs, failures and lessons learned from teaching in the digital age.

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