Can we make Hāpara even better? Yes, yes we can.

Later in the new year Hāpara teachers will be able to implement some exciting new features in their classrooms using the Hāpara tools they already love.
Product Updates December 2022
Product Updates December 2022-01

Exciting new updates are finally here! We’ve created an even more seamless experience by bringing additional features into a centralized space and providing for more teaching and learning time.

Highlights - Google Drive

View student Drives in Highlights

In addition to viewing students’ current screens and browser tabs in Highlights, teachers will soon be able to view student Google Drives. Previously this feature was only available in Teacher Dashboard but now teachers can have a more seamless experience and view, access and provide formative feedback on student work right from the Highlights page! With the update, when you click on the Drive tab under Highlights, you will see a list of your students in Student Tiles like you see in Current Screens and Browser Tabs. In the Drive tab you will be able to:

  • Open documents from Student Tiles
  • Preview documents by hovering over the title
  • Search document names and content
  • Filter by
    • Public documents
    • External
    • Unshared
    • Deleted documents

Highlights and Google Classroom are better together 

Have you ever wished you could quickly share out a Google Classroom link without leaving Highlights to do it? Soon, teachers will be able to! If you have a synced Google Classroom then your Share links button will also include the option to share Google Classroom assignments and questions right from your Highlights dashboard. This will provide a more seamless experience for teachers as well as students, because when a teacher shares the Google Classroom assignment it will open up in a new tab in the student’s browser.

Highlights extension is moving to self-hosting 

Beginning Jan. 18, 2023, the Highlights extension will be moving to self-hosting for schools in the southern hemisphere. Technical administrators will need to take a couple of simple actions to facilitate this change. The Highlights extension will soon be retired from the Chrome Web Store so it is important to take steps to complete the changeover to self-hosting before the beginning of the new school year. 

Self-hosting the Highlights extension will give Hāpara the ability to provide schools with increased security, push out updates faster and release new features more regularly with less wait time. In early January, school technical administrators that this applies to will receive information on steps to take to complete this process for their school. Northern hemisphere schools will make this change later in 2023.

Explore how an educator uses Hāpara Highlights as a coaching tool for social and emotional learning in her classroom.

Developing a classroom culture of resilience with Hāpara Highlights mockup small

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