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Using Technology to Rethink Summer Learning

Using technology to rethink summer learning

Summer is a time for learners (and teachers!) to relax and reset. It’s important to keep kids learning, but summer assignments have to be highly engaging to have any real impact.

Hapara Student Voice Podcast

Hāpara student voice podcast

Hāpara Certified Educators Jennifer Struebing and Lisa Harrison spoke with Larry Jacobs of Education Talk Radio to share how they use digital tools to raise student voice in their respective schools.

3 Ways to Magnify Student Voice in the Digital Classroom with Hapara

Three ways to magnify student voice in the digital classroom with Hāpara

For some, the phrase student voice invokes images of endless student government meetings where the debate about school lunch ends up right where it started. For others, a strong and healthy culture of student voice is the key to motivating students to work hard, be creative, and take care of each other.

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Why reinvent the wheel when you can borrow from the experts? Check out this curated collection of Hāpara Workspaces were designed and shared publicly by Hāpara-using educators from around the world.

A better way to manage the digital classroom

We’re ready to show you how Hāpara delivers:

Focused and safe learning

Quick implementation and easy management

Professional learning and training to fit your needs

Access to a world-class support team

Visible, safer learning is just around the corner.

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