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Evolution of Digital Citizenship infographic

The Evolution of Digital Citizenship Infographic

Students are digital citizens of the future. Schools need to prepare students for a more connected, more technological future. Learn how tools like Google and Hapara can support learners in gaining these critical life skills.

Google Tools that will amp up your Workspace

Google tools that will amp up your Workspace

You already know that Hapara and Google Workspace for Education tools work seamlessly together, so why not add these Google tools to your Workspace to help build engagement?

What We Learned at ISTE 2018

What we learned at ISTE 2018

This year at ISTE 2018 we sent our good friend Julian Daher out with a camera to learn more about the latest trends and biggest ideas that were brought up in ISTE sessions.

Wrapping up the year in a 1-1 district - end of year procedures

Wrapping up the year in a 1:1 district – End of year procedures you should know

1:1 and other tech programs add a few additional to-dos to your end of year procedures. Especially when your programs are new, it’s easy to feel like you missed a step or forgot to do something important. Creating a list of everything you need to do to close out the year and get prepped for next year is key.

A Beginner’s Guide to ISTE

A beginner’s guide to ISTE

ISTE is a conference like no other. It will inspire you, motivate you, energize you, and refresh your practice, but it can also be quite daunting. As someone who has attended five of these in the last 10 years, I have learned a few tricks to make the experience a bit easier.

A better way to manage the digital classroom

We’re ready to show you how Hāpara delivers:

Focused and safe learning

Quick implementation and easy management

Professional learning and training to fit your needs

Access to a world-class support team

Visible, safer learning is just around the corner.

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