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Deep Learning Pedagogical Practice - Co-constructing success criteria

Deep learning: co-constructing success criteria

Our friend and Hāpara Champion Trainer Julian Daher continues to share his expertise on Deep Learning in the latest video in our Teaching with Technology series. This week, Julian discusses one of his favorite practices - co-creating success criteria with learners.

deep learning pedagogical practice

Deep Learning – Pedagogical Practice with Julian Daher

In this first deep dive video, Julian shares how Deep Learning pedagogies have shifted the way he teaches French reading comprehension. He also explains how digital tools like Hāpara Workspace and Google Read and Write make these shifts possible.

Fostering Teacher Collaboration in a Digital World

Fostering Teacher Collaboration in a Digital World

Today, highly effective educators and schools push teacher collaboration so that it has become a norm. The internet has revolutionized education by changing the question from why should we collaborate to how can we foster professional collaboration in a digital world?

Building meaningful relationships with learners in a digital classroom

Building meaningful relationships in a digital classroom

In a digital classroom, it is true that, if not used intentionally, technology can add a cold and disconnecting element to our classrooms. However, it also possible for technology to be used in ways that add value to our relationships and bring teachers and students closer to together.

Creating a climate for student collaboration and feedback

Creating a climate for student collaboration and feedback

My vision for my classroom is to foster an environment where students are comfortable making mistakes and sharing work with peers. The question then becomes, how do I do this? How do I shift from researching and implementing effective feedback strategies to using them to transform my classroom?

Teach with Technology with Julian Daher

New video series: Teaching with Technology with Julian Daher

We are excited to announce a new video series with Hapara Champion Trainer Julian Daher from the Ottawa Catholic School Board on teaching with technology. Julian will be sharing short videos with us every week to show what teaching with technology looks like in his classroom, and how he uses both online and offline tools and methods to support learners.

Deeper learning in a digital age

Deeper Learning in the Digital Age

Join Hapara’s Chief Executive Officer, Wayne Poncia, as he takes a close look at deep learning – explaining what it is, what it looks like in the classroom and how you can help students take their learning further with the help of digital tools.

The Evolution of Monitoring

The Evolution of Monitoring

The evolution of monitoring. Watch the webinar to learn how to implement a student-centered digital learning philosophy.

Playlist based instruction

Offering student choice and voice with playlist based instruction

In essence, playlists give students choice over when, how and what they do to reach an academic objective. In a traditional lesson, students have two choices: follow the teacher’s directions verbatim, or choose to misbehave. That’s not much of a choice at all.

A better way to manage the digital classroom

We’re ready to show you how Hāpara delivers:

Focused and safe learning

Quick implementation and easy management

Professional learning and training to fit your needs

Access to a world-class support team

Visible, safer learning is just around the corner.

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