Introducing Hāpara Digital Backpack, and more updates from Hāpara

We have been working hard over the last few months to make Hāpara better than ever, and we can’t wait to share these changes with you! Introducing Hāpara Digital Backpack.
Product updates
Using technology for deep learning

We have been working hard over the last few months to make Hāpara better than ever, and we can’t wait to share these changes with you!

It’s here! Introducing Hāpara Digital Backpack

We have been hearing great feedback from our early adopters about speed and performance after the update. 

We are excited to announce a brand new offering for back to school that will allow teachers to easily find district approved digital textbooks, novels and more and assign them to students. These digital resources can be accessed from anywhere on any device, so students have exactly what they need, no matter where learning takes place. 

Reach out to your Regional Sales Manager to find out how you can save on print materials with our new Digital Backpack or learn more here.

We’ve also been working on lots of updates to the Hāpara tools you’re already using. Check out what’s new:

For everyone

Updated Manage Classes page

The Manage Classes page has a fresh new look. We’ve updated the interface to make it easier for teachers to navigate and get started with Hāpara. 

We’re continuing to improve this page, so please send us your feedback and suggestions in the suggestions box at the bottom of the page!

Need help using Hāpara?

We’ve been working on a new in-app onboarding experience for first-time users that will help teachers find their way around Hāpara quickly and easily. All of our in-app training is available to all users in our Learning Hub–just click the purple question mark anywhere in Hāpara!

New and improved Highlights

We spent last spring rolling out the latest version of Highlights to schools around the world. The update improved performance, while making it possible for us to start working on some exciting new features for Highlights (coming soon!). 

Over the summer we have continued to gather feedback about the improved design and performance of Highlights. The new Highlights is ready to go when your students come back this fall!

Workspace Drive folder updates

If you use Workspace, Hāpara automatically creates folders in students’ and teachers’ Google Drives to help keep students’ work organized and accessible. If these folders are deleted, it can break the ability for students to start and submit assignments in Workspace.

Because Google now permanently deletes items in Trash after 30 days, we have updated the names of the folders that we create in Drive to make the connection to Hāpara more clear and to prevent accidental deletions. Teachers and students will now be able to access their Workspace evidence in the following folders:

My Drive

para [Do Not Delete]

                            Hāpara Workspaces [Do Not Delete]

                                                         Hāpara 2021

                                                         Hāpara 2020

To learn more about how Workspace is connected to Drive, see this article

For Hāpara administrators

The following updates are coming soon and give you more ways to customize Hāpara to meet the needs of your school or district. 

Choose your landing page!

Are the teachers in your school big Highlights users? Hāpara admins can now choose where teachers in your school land when they click on a class – either Highlights or Dashboard. 

This setting can be changed in the Hāpara Admin Console and will apply for everyone in your school. Check out this article to learn how to make the change.

No folders? No problem!

We’ve made a change in Dashboard, so that if you choose not to set up class folders for your school, teachers can still access students’ Drive documents. With this change, teachers will have access to everything in their students’ Drives by default and will see the All Docs view from the Sharing tab in their primary Dashboard tab. You can turn this off in the Hāpara Admin Console.

Learn more about the Sharing view here.

Explore why educators are reviving the #GoOpen initiative to increase access to free high-quality learning materials.

The GoOpen initiative ebook

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