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Making the Best Technology Purchasing Decisions

The critical questions that need answers before making any edtech purchase. Watch the webinar.
Making the best technology purchasing decisions
Digital Learning Environments for All Learners Webinar

Join us for a thoughtful discussion about what questions district leaders should consider when purchasing technology in order to have a true impact on student learning.

Steven W. Anderson a global leader in the convergence of digital learning and leadership. He is a learner, blogger, speaker, educational evangelist, author and Dad.  As a former teacher and Director of Instructional Technology he is highly sought after for his expertise in educational technology integration leading to the transformational learning students deserve. Known by many as @web20 he regularly travels the world talking to schools and districts about how authentic learning, leadership and truly redefining learning are at the heart of this transformation. 

He is the author of 3 books, The Relevant Educator: How Connectedness Empowers Learning, The Tech-Savvy Administrator and Content Curation: How To Avoid Information Overload. He is also responsible for creating #Edchat, a weekly education discussion on Twitter that boasts over 500 weekly participants. Steven has been recognized with a Twitterer of The Year Award, a Microsoft Heroes of Education award, along with a 2013 Bammy Award, recognized worldwide as the Educational Emmy, for his work with #Edchat.

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