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Hāpara technical updates for the Southern Hemisphere (July 2020)

We have some exciting July Hāpara technical updates for tech directors in the southern hemisphere coming soon to Hāpara.
Product updates
Using technology for deep learning

We’ve been working on lots of great updates to Hāpara Workspace that will make it easier for teachers to create, manage and assess digital learning. 

Earlier this month, we released our updated Workspace layout to all users. Here, teachers have more options for organising and finding their Workspaces, can view student progress directly from the Workspace homepage and can easily access thousands of existing Workspaces, so they don’t have to start from scratch with their digital lessons. 

For a tour of the new Workspace check out this video: 

Coming soon

We have some additional updates coming soon. Be on the lookout for: 

  • The option to search by standards on the Workspace Discover page. Teachers will be able to find existing lessons, projects and more aligned to your curriculum!
  • A new grading tool that simplifies the feedback process in Workspace and allows teachers to give grades and feedback on evidence cards directly from the learner’s work.
  • Provide a reason for closing tabs will soon be enabled by default (it is currently an optional setting and can be turned on and off in the Hāpara Admin Console).

If you need help getting teachers up to speed with all of the updates to Hāpara this summer, please reach out to our Professional Learning team!

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